Big Ben’s Tree Service in Jacksonville can keep your trees healthy through regular tree trimming.
You know you’ve seen it before; that person who just refuses to keep their trees trimmed. Not only can it be an eyesore, but there are other more serious problems with letting a tree grow wildly, as well. Here are some reasons why
tree trimming is so important.
Probably the most important reason to trim your trees is it makes them safer. There are many dead branches or useless shooters on your tree, and cutting them off reduces the risk of damage in the case of a fire. Debris on the ground can also be a safety concern, causing mold and rot and attracting insects. Leaving dead parts on the tree can attract wood boring insects, which will weaken the tree and cause it to fall.
Keeping your tree trimmed also promotes health of the tree. Removing the dead parts gives the tree room to grow new, healthier branches and leaves with the energy it would have spent combating disease and pests. It can also focus on healthier root systems.
Now that you know the two most important reasons to trim your trees, you have no excuse to be that neighbor. Get a professional trimmer out to look at your trees and help you make them look beautiful again. Call Big Ben’s Tree Service at 904-641-1131.